Scream (1996) Directed by Wes Craven. United Kingdom. Buena Vista International
Scream 5 (2022) Directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillet. United Kingdom. Paramount Pictures
Yang , H. and Zhang, K. (2021) The Psychology Behind Why We Love (or Hate) Horror, Harvard Business Review. Available at: https://hbr.org/2021/10/the-psychology-behind-why-we-love-or-hate-horror.
Coolidge, Frederick L. PhD (2021) Why We Enjoy Horror Films - Decoding the fascination behind scary movies. Avaialble at: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/contributors/frederick-l-coolidge-phd
Paolo Carlos (2021) How Scream Changed the Formula for Slasher Movies. Available at: https://nylonmanila.com/scream-at-25-how-scream-revived-and-changed-the-slasher-genre/
Benjamin Lee (2021) Look who's s stalking: how the slasher movie screamed its way back. Available Aat: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2021/oct/20/look-whos-stalking-how-the-slasher-movie-screamed-its-way-back
Matt Barone (2015) Master Class: How Wes Craven Reinvented the Horror Genre Three Decades in a Row. Available at: https://www.tribecafilm.com/news/wes-craven-obituary-tribute-last-house-on-left-nightmare-on-elm-street-scream
Max Thurlow and Clive Thurlow (2012) Making short films: the complete guide from script to screen. London/ New York: Bloomsbury
Movio (2018) Unmasking Horror Moviegoing Audiences. Available at: Unmasking Horror Moviegoing Audiences | Movio Blog
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